Get the most from face-to-face meetings.
CoNavigator helps teams navigate quickly and effectively through complex themes and problems. It can be used in diverse settings from education to product development, and is designed to maximise the collaborative outputs of any type of team session.
Fast-track interdisciplinary collaboration.
CoNavigator is a hands-on, 3-dimensional tool designed to ensure highly effective and meaningful collaborations, whether 10 minute catch-up meetings or full day workshops. CoNavigator is composed of writeable tiles and cubes to enable rapid, collaborative visualisation. The tactile nature of the tool is designed to encourage democratic collaboration and negotiation over a series of defined steps. All the elements are reusable and designed for easy storage.
A Component-based structure for configurable sessions
CoNavigator can be configured to suit a specific group’s requirements, according to time, participants, context and desired outcomes. This means that CoNavigator can be used in entirely different ways within a single project, during different phases and with different groups, with the advantage of single, universal tool being used in all cases.
Create the right CoNavigator steps for your teams
Facilitators can be trained to work with the core set of CoNavigator sessions, or develop new configurations which suit their specific research or development processes. CoNavigator is designed to work alongside and enhance, rather than replace processes. Contact us to see how we can work alongside your teams to develop completely new configurations.
Sustainably produced sets can be used again and again.
Wipeable tiles (made from 95% recycled material) can be used over and over again. Sturdy cubes and pegs are are biodegradable designed to be used almost indefinitely. Tool swatches are made with sustainably produced, recyclable paper. Bags are made of unbleached, sustainably produced organic cotton. CoNavigator sets are produced to order in Denmark using laser-cutting and 3D printing techniques, reducing wastage.
The CoNavigator Team
David Earle
Concept developer and creative specialist with 30 years’ experience in the creative industries, David develops tools and methods to help people learn to navigate through their knowledge, and to work more effectively in multi- and interdisciplinary teams.
Katrine Lindvig
Educational ethnographer and Assistant Professor, Higher Education Research, University of Copenhagen, Katrine specialises in interdisciplinary education, especially the linkages between interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary teaching practices..
Line Hillersdal
Social anthropologist and Assistant Professor at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Line specialises in interdisciplinary research collaboration and is particularly involved in how research objects are configured in collaborative practices.
CoNavigator in action.
Since 2016, David Earle, Katrine Lindvig and Line Hillersdal have been developing the CoNavigator tool and methodology, and collaborating with institutions in Europe and the US.
“In both research and teaching planning processes, CoNavigator can help teams of collaborators make tangible their assumptions, expectations and knowledge from the outset, avoiding frustrating misunderstandings at a later stage in the project.”
Professor Catherine Lyall, Professor of Science and Public Policy, The University of Edinburgh